Bielli's Connections
Psychic Medium, Health & Nutrition Life Coach & Women's Health Coach & Facilitator & Kids Yoga Teacher
Intuitive You! Course
Intuitive You! Course
We are all Intuitive!! Seriously we truly are. I know many people doubt themselves in so many ways such as what gifts they actually have, what other's will think or how people will receive them. Most are afraid of the unknown & feel scared of what they experience or have no idea if they did in fact have an experience of some kind. May it be an inner knowing of the new or future event , or talking to the dead. Most humans don't realize it yet & it is sad.
Well I was once this person, my paranormal experiences were traumatic for me they were real & I,had sense of inner knowing, or conversations in my head...it all started with seeing physical energy then feelings..as time went on I realized I had more gifts. I learned to develop & strengthen them on my own. With all my training & personal experiences I have found a prevent way to help coach Intuitives like yourself with developing your intuition. Which is my.main focus. Not everyone fits into the same 📦 box. Not everyone learns the same nor at the same pace.
This is why Intuitive You! Was created.
It was developed to give the Basics to Advanced teachings that can be easily understood by students & applied.
Well stop being afraid of the unknown, or if you have the ability to use Intuition..well great news.. .you are not alone!
Level 1
Level 1
This level we cover many topics for beginners such as what Intuition is, the differences between Psychic & Intuition. You will learn some grounding techniques & why we should do this. We cover energy maintenance & clearing, we will cover so much more.
Level 3
Level 3
This is our advanced level. In this course we will do a review of Level 2 and we will also cover the business aspect of it and so much more.
Level 2
Level 2
In this level we cover a recap of what you learned in Level 1 as well as learning about divination tools & how to use them. You will learn using Oracle cards & how to practice with them, automatic writing & live readings.
About this Course
About this Course
Intuitive You! Is an 18 Week certificate course broken into 3 Levels to help strengthen your personal practice & help each individual. This course which includes a Certificate of Completion, 1-on-1 Private Coaching session with Gloria, after you complete Level 3 of the program. This course also includes 1 hr a once a day. Each week we will be live on Zoom for our lesson. You will have all week to practice & implement what you learned. This program is hands on, & you will need to provide a completed reading. This is to help ensure each student receives the most from the program.
If you miss the live lesson on Zoom, the replay will be added to our private Facebook groups for each level . Once each level is complete the Facebook group will be archived.
Join so many other incredible Intuitive people like yourself. Learn to develop, strengthen & use these gifts with confidence & ease. You will also learn how to run the business aspect if you choose to do it for service of other's.
To signup please use this link: https://form.jotform.com/233405006875252
Please allow up to 12 hours for confirmation email with the details and all materials needed for the level(s)